Monday, January 07, 2008

Blogging Advance, now with iron and DHA

I have made so much formula that I am beginning to see that stupid Similac (trademark property) teddy bear in my sleep. And did I mention that formula smells digusting, even before it is consumed (it tastes okay - yes, I tasted the food that I feed my daughter, so sue me). If I could have asked for unique parenting advice (not the colds, colic, and other factoids), I would have asked someone to let me know that formula smells bad.

Grace is testing out a few nights of sleeping at 5-6 hour stretches. This is her idea, not mine, but believe me I am not complaining (yet). I hope it is a routine, but I know it is a fluke.

Fatherhood is not like I expected (it's much better). Yeah, I don't sleep much and I wear pajamas all day, but Grace rocks. She's like my banjo playing, which is good since I am just learning and am rather bad at it. She likes this CD by a guy named Kirk Moore. If you have the chance, you should go to iTunes and download (legally) his songs (shameless plug, I know, but she really does dig the Cheese Song).

Enough with the pink. I like pink. It's a good color. But trust me, there are over 200 other colors in the world. Grace looks good in green and yellow and tan and blue. Red? Eh, it makes her spit up. Of course that could just be from the smell of formula. Drop by some time to visit us (if you know me).